Friday, December 11, 2015

My kid journey May 2016.. pray for me

My kid journey


1.     When an egg leaves the ovary, its covers by protective layer of cells.
2.     The fallopian tube is lined with cilia that helps move the egg down into the uterus.
3.     Sperm swim through the cervix and uterus and into a fallopian tube to meet the egg,
4.     Sperm secrete an enzyme that erodes the egg’s outer layer to allow penetration.


1.     The egg now a ‘blastocyst’ burrowing into the blood-rich uterine lining.
2.     Embryonic cells are beginning to arrange themselves in two pancake shaped layers.
3.     Cavity develop the embryo and become the amniotic sac.
4.     Cavity be the yolk sac, delivering nutrient to the embryo.

4 weeks

1.     The yolk sac delivers nutrient until the placenta is ready to over.
2.     The primitive streak is the place where the cells migrate inward to inform the embryo.
3.     Cavity is the amniotic sac that surrounds baby

5 weeks

1.     The amniotic sac now houses the embryo, which floats in sea of fluid
2.     The embryo is the size of sesame seed
3.     The natural tube will develop into baby’s brain, spinal cord, and nerves.

6 weeks

1.     The baby has tiny webbed hands and feet shaped like paddles.
2.     Baby’s heart beats almost twice as fast as mom
3.     Baby’s tongue and vocal cords are beginning to form

7 weeks

1.     Things look like a tail is actually an extension of baby’s tailbone.
2.     Translucent eyelid partially cover baby’s eyes.

8 weeks

1.     The nerve cells in baby’s brain are branching out to connect with one another.
2.     Baby’s hand are flexed at the wrist and meet over the heart.

9 weeks

1.     Tips of baby’s fingers are slightly enlarged where ‘touch pads’ are developing.
2.     All major joints are working ; shoulders, elbows, wrist , hips knees, and ankles,

10 weeks

1.     The yolk sac is no longer needed and begin to disappear.
2.     Baby’s eye lids are now fused shut and won’t open until 27 weeks.
3.     Baby’s finger are now separated and tiny fingernails are starting to grow.

11 weeks

1.     Baby’s blood vessels are visible through the skin.
2.     Tiny tooth buds are starting to appear under baby’s gum.

12 weeks

1.     Baby’s eye lids are less transparent and the eyes have moved closer together.
2.     Baby now has earlobes
3.     Baby may soon able to open and close his fists.

13 weeks

1.     Baby start to swallow and urinate amniotic fluid.
2.     Baby’s head is now more proportional about an third the size of his body.
3.     Baby now own his unique set of fingerprints

14 weeks

1.     Baby’s facial muscles are getting a workout from squints, frowns, and grimaces.
2.     End of the week, baby’s arms will be proportion with the rest of the body.
3.     Baby is starting to develop an ultra-fine downy covering of hair all over the body

15 weeks

1.     Baby is inhaling and exhaling amniotic fluid to help his lungs develop
2.     Baby’s legs are growing longer than his arms.
3.     Although the eyelids are fused shut, baby can sense light.

16 weeks

1.     Baby’s head more erect.
2.     Baby’s scalp pattern is starting to develop, although hair hasn’t started growing in yet.
3.     Baby’s heart is pumping about 25 quarts of blood a day.

17 weeks

1.     Baby’s umbilical cord, a lifeline to the placenta, is growing stronger and thicker.
2.     Baby sense of hearing is developing
3.     Baby skeleton is turning from rubbery cartilage into hardened bone

18 weeks

1.     Baby busy flexing arm and legs.
2.     Baby’s ears are in position and stand out from head.

19 weeks

1.     Baby’s arms and legs are now in the right proportion to the rest of body
2.     Hair is sprouting on baby’s scalp.
3.     Baby’s brain is designing specialized areas for smell, taste, hearing, vision and touch.

20 weeks

1.     Mom will notice baby’s kicks.
2.     Baby may suck fingers.

21 weeks

1.     Baby eyebrow are starting to grow in.
2.     Baby’s lips are becoming more distinct.

22 weeks

1.     Baby skin will look wrinkled until gain enough weight to fill it out.
2.     Baby eyes are develop but the irises still lack pigment.

23 weeks

1.     Baby skin is red, regardless of what color it will be after birth.
2.     Baby getting used to noises he hears in utero,

24 weeks

1.     Baby’s lung are developing “branches” of the respiratory “tree”
2.     Baby is working her facial muscles; may raising eyebrows.

25 weeks

1.     Baby start to put on baby fat, more like a newborn.
2.     Baby hair has color and texture, although both may change after birth.

26 weeks

1.     Nerves pathways in baby ears are developing
2.     If having boy, his testicles are beginning to descend into the scrotum.

27 weeks

1.     Baby can now open and close eyes.
2.     Baby sleeps and wakes at regular intervals

28 weeks

1.     Baby now has eyelashes.
2.     Will feel baby getting hiccups now and then,

29 weeks

1.     Baby’s brain is busy developing billions of neutrons.
2.     Baby’s skeleton is hardening.

30 weeks

1.     The amount of amniotic fluid will peak over the next few weeks and then diminish
2.     Baby will turn his head toward a continue bright light from outside,

31 weeks

1.     Baby is accumulating more fat under skin.
2.     Baby has taste buds now.

32 weeks

1.     Baby’s fingernails and toenails have grown in.
2.     Baby have full head of hair, others have only peach fuzz.

33 weeks

1.     Baby’s skin is becoming less red and wrinkled.
2.     Skull bones can compress enough to fit through the birth canal during labor

34 weeks

1.     Baby is putting on layers of fat to regulate body temperature after birth.
2.     About 99 % of babies born now survive outside the womb

35 weeks

1.     Baby will gain about an ounce per day over the next few weeks.
2.     Amount of amniotic fluid around baby is starting to diminish

36 weeks

1.     Baby is shedding the down body hair and vernix caseosa that protects skin.
2.     Baby swallow hair and vernix that will become first bowel movement.

37 weeks

1.     Baby continue to work his facial muscles, and may even smile.
2.     Fingernails extend beyond the tips of his fingers.

38 weeks

1.     Baby now has a firm grasp.
2.     Baby born with brown eyes will likely keep them,

39 weeks

1.     Baby’s outer skin cells are sloughing off as new skin forms underneath.
2.     Baby’s lungs are fully mature now.

40 weeks

1.     Baby’s hair and nails continue to grow with each passing day.
2.     Baby will have soft spots on head for the first year or more after birth.

41 weeks

1.     Baby’s skin is probably peeling a bit after his long bath in amniotic fluid.
2.     Amniotic sac usually ruptures (water break”) after go into labour


sumita sofat said...

My prayers are with you. Keep your fingers cross.
Fallopian Tube Blockage

inamorataoreonz said...

thanks Doc @sumita Sofat